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Public schools face a litany of problems relating to COVID-19 that include significant drops in funding, distribution issues for school lunch programs, lack of broadband access and bus driver protection.
The prospect of fewer teachers complicates planning for social distancing, smaller class sizes, distance learning and the extra work it will take to catch up students who have fallen behind. More than 100 bills related to schools have been introduced in May, touching on topics from funding to accessing unsold produce for lunch programs. Some examples:
SR21 in Louisiana asks the Board of Regents and postsecondary education management boards to recognize the unusual circumstances of the current class of high school graduates and to adopt a “flexible and holistic” admissions policy for summer and fall 2020 semesters. It notes factors such as ACT and SAT test scores being unavailable, pass/fail grading systems adopted during the pandemic that affect GPAs and the fact that emergency adoption of online instruction has had “varying degrees of success.”

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Educators are concerned that rural and low-income students who lack high-speed Internet access will suffer setbacks if schools find it necessary to rely on distance learning. In North Carolina, H1071 appropriates nearly $30 million for the state’s School Connectivity Initiative in order to maximize eligibility for federal funds.dissertation writing
SF4600, a Minnesota bill, authorizes the sale of $10 million in bonds to fund grants from the state’s Safe Routes to School Program. Grants support efforts to reduce traffic and air quality near schools, including planning, infrastructure such as sidewalks and trails and bike fleets.

During the pandemic, most governors have signed executive orders waiving requirements regarding medical licensing and health facilities. Republicans want to shield businesses broadly from civil liability for the spread of right publication
Airports will begin implementing technology, like thermal cameras and sanitation booths, to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission within airports. Air travel has decreased as much as 95 percent during the pandemic.
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